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Ex Libris Mörk Borg A directory of content, tools, and resources


The Death Ziggurat

Concept: “A cosmic necrocrawl at the end of time”
Pre-apocalyptic hexcrawl with random elements
Fairly elaborate with plenty of horrible imagery
Captures the mood, setting, and characters well
Fun and lethal;  separate player and GM maps are quite helpful

Bonus: Generate some dialogue seeds for your rot priests at

The God King

Concept: “He called himself ‘The THIRD Basilisk’.”
Content: A legend of one seriously pretentious bastard, and a possible origin story for the Dying World as we know it today.
Writing: A miserable little myth befitting a doomed and dying world.
Art/design: Some uppity reagent overshadowed by his own legend.
Usability: Introduce it to your players. Let them decide how true it is. 

The Lichen Knight of Sarkash

Concept: “You meet a strange knight in the wilderness and he dares you to cut off his head.”
A two-part encounter consisting of the initial challenge and the follow-up chapel crawl
Clear, readable prose with loot tables, location descriptions, and overview of the encounter structure
Typography and color delineate sections for easy use and reference
A straightforward but spirited adaptation of the medieval poetic plot

The Vermilion Throne

Concept: “Venture into the depths, recover the heart of the True King, and bring an end to the Shadow King's reign. Or fail, and bleed, and die.”
Content: A pulse pumping, blood-drenched, flesh crawl.
Writing: As consistent and efficient as the beating heart, without feeling too clinical.
Art/design: Accessible and fluid design which doesn’t clot alongside thematic illustrations which do.
Usability: A considered and effective table reference. 

This Forest Breathes

Concept: “Pulsing with green life, lit without sun, the secret to this sprawling wood lies within its lifeblood: somewhere, deep past crawling vines and scurrying creatures, is a pool, its crystal-clear waters holding the secret to life eternal.”
Content: A bizarre subterranean forest crawl
Predominantly textual and relies on the writing to convey the intended tone
A variety of layouts, some more traditional than others, and an array of typefaces all within a limited palette
Eternal life ain’t all it’s cracked up to be
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